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Locked Out! Why You Must Control Your Domain Registration Account
May 26, 2024
Would you give your car's pink slip to your auto mechanic? Would you give the deed to your house to…
SSL Certificates: Why Your Need One, What Type to Get, How Much to Pay
April 19, 2024
To enable website security, you must have an SSL Certificate Quick background . . . Google has implemented a carrot-and-stick…
Conversion Check: How to Update WordPress and Test Your Lead Generation Forms
January 1, 2020
Go to step-by-step instructions Losing Leads is Disheartening and Costly Over the years, I've seen businesses lose hundreds of website…
7 Reasons Your Business Needs a Secure Website Now
March 9, 2019
July 2018: Google will mark unencrypted web pages as "not secure", alerting visitors to potential danger. This massive change has…
12-Step Secure HTTPS WordPress Conversion Process
September 8, 2017
Now that Google has clamped down on websites that are insecure (not using an encrypted HTTPS connection). It's time to…
SSL Certificates: Why Your Need One, What Type to Get, How Much to Pay
April 19, 2017
To enable website security, you must have an SSL Certificate Quick background . . . You may already know that…